Autism Annex: The STAR Autism Support Podcast
The Autism Annex podcast explores current trends and issues in autism and other developmental disabilities. We bring stories and resources to teachers, administrators, parents, and families, presenting data and research as well as helpful and practical insights.
The Autism Annex is produced by STAR Autism Support. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, and to receive special announcements of new episodes and more, subscribe to our newsletter here: https://starautismsupport.com/newsletter-sign-0.
Autism Annex: The STAR Autism Support Podcast
Continued Conversations with Adria Nassim
Join Adria Nassim for a second episode, focusing on questions from Autism Annex podcast listeners! Adria is an author, educator, speaker, and advocate for people with disabilities, based in Bloomington, Indiana. She writes the blog Adria's Notebook for Indiana University and is a regular columnist for the Bloomington Herald-Times.
To receive special announcements of new episodes and more, subscribe to our newsletter: https://starautismsupport.com/newsletter-sign-0.