Autism Annex: The STAR Autism Support Podcast
The Autism Annex podcast explores current trends and issues in autism and other developmental disabilities. We bring stories and resources to teachers, administrators, parents, and families, presenting data and research as well as helpful and practical insights.
The Autism Annex is produced by STAR Autism Support. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, and to receive special announcements of new episodes and more, subscribe to our newsletter here: https://starautismsupport.com/newsletter-sign-0.
Autism Annex: The STAR Autism Support Podcast
Generalizing Skills: Closing the Gap between School and Home
Generalization is the ability to use skills in a variety of situations—a tricky proposition for children on the autism spectrum. Misten Daniels is an educator, a contributor to the SOLER curriculum, and a proud parent of neurodiverse children; she brings all three perspectives into focus in a conversation with Johnandrew Slominski.
To receive special announcements of new episodes and more, subscribe to our newsletter: https://starautismsupport.com/newsletter-sign-0.